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XVIII NAVARRE International Prize for Solidarity

Dear friends,

One more year the Government of Navarra and Laboral Kutxa are issuing for a call for applications for a new edition of the «Navarre» International Prize for Solidarity with the purpose of promoting, disseminating and recognizing the voluntary work of people and organizations that stand out for their career in the field of the International Cooperation of Development and the fight in favour of the most vulnerable social sectors and the developing countries, especially contributions to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

We ask for your collaboration disseminating the initiative, and also encourage you to take a part in it by submitting suitable candidacies for the prize, endowed with 25,000€, a diploma and a sculpture by Jorge Oteiza.

For more information, you are invited to consult the Contest Rules of the XXI Prize (Call for entries 2024).

The deadline for entries is 25 June.

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